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If you want to grow your baby’s head to three times its normal size in just a few short weeks and five easy payments.

The price DOES NOT include shipping, handling and/or method of shipment which will be selected and charged at the time of delivery.

Hey look, it’s PJ!

Since we work together he frequently models for tortillas and dog treats.

He’s not proud about it

but a dog has to eat.

He’s quick to forget

the more embarrassing moments.

Hunger has a way

of driving you to action.

There is a certain intoxication

found only in the arts.

PJ, by far, is my highest paid model.

It’s important to choose the correct hairstyle

that suits your age and personality as well as your face.

I plan to unearth the skullet…
dead on top, ALIVE underneath.

Andrew “They Live” Jackson
Terrestrial Term: 1829-1837

Jacksonian Demoncrats ushered in the spoils-based political machine we have today. Only a few know THE TRUTH. Study it out or OBEY.


meet behind church at appointed hour

The Murder Fairy will be busy.

Pay attention to your theme music and good luck surviving the day.

The vet says he has to wear an Elizabethan collar for a week.

It portends to be problematic for the crepuscular pipe.

as to what to do without football.

I feel I should mention that I am usually at a loss with football, as well.

I blame the Houston Oilers for traumatic head injuries
and the effects of which still linger to this very day.

Sometimes you get the fairy you deserve.

Magic isn’t the only way to fix the problem.

FGMs are often attracted to camping at the lake

due to all the frolicking and the partial nudity.

Here’s the cover for their new vinyl coming out

as soon as Mr. Englund’s people respond to our generous proposal.

It is foolish to deny the wishes of a FGM.
They made me post this.

Once the creek froze solid for the winter, all the small square-headed dogs were lured across it by some sort of subsonic siren song.

The early bird gets the worm.

and the late bird also gets the worm
because this place is full of worms.

From Beyond!

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